Design principles
Listed below are the design principles that the DX Lab is currently working with. We may add to these over the course of our projects or change some of them slightly but we feel it is important to be guided by these for our upcoming work.
- Audience first – do it because it matters not just because it’s shiny
- Design creatively with data and partners
- Don’t over bake – audiences need to connect through simple + meaningful experiences
- Innovate – experiment and think differently
- Iterate – if something is already built, just improve on it
- Build digital experiences – not isolated projects
- Be open – collaborate, share, co-curate and promote re-use where possible
- Constant prototyping – leave room for others to finish and build upon our experiences
If you have feedback in relation to our design principles we would love to hear from you.
#DXLab @statelibrarynsw
Email: dxlab@sl.nsw.gov.au