Hello World


The DX Lab is fortunate to work with the results of an extensive digitisation program that has been happening at the Library for a number of years.

Around 20 million collection images or pages are being digitised progressively over the next decade, substantially increasing global access to the Library’s collections, and providing important benefits to regional areas and the creative industries in particular.

These include: around 1000 World War I diaries, 150,000 key historical and literary documents, over 500,000 images from major photographic collections, over six million pages of NSW newspapers, international and Australian maps; as well as 40,000 subdivision plans, books, posters and ephemera; including 40,000 items from the David Scott Mitchell collection, medals and coins and Dixson numismatic collections, 100,000 portraits, landscapes and natural history, and over 10,000 hours of sound recordings.

Our collection experts have identified the most in-demand, fragile and valuable collections to be digitised.  Fragile items including photographic and glass plate negatives and magnetic tape for sound recordings are being prioritised to ensure the information and contents they hold are preserved.

Photography by Joy Lai



Kununurra Museum

The comment above the URL you supply in your reply (http://www.dxlab.sl.nsw.gov.au/loom) is invalid – I removed www. and it worked (http://dxlab.sl.nsw.gov.au/loom) – Great site – Now to see what Loom is all about.


Well spotted. Thanks for letting us know, I have changed that now.

Deb Little

Was looking forward to seeing what LOOM had to offer, but sadly just got the message that assetswere being loaded for – seemingly forever – and I couldn’t edit this message either so excuse bad text. I use an Apple

DX Lab

Hi Deb.
Sorry you were unable to view Loom. I hope you will try again.
The DX Lab experiments – are just that – experiments. As such we aim to be a playful, hands-on working space – where ideas and processes (rather than the polished, quality assured product) are shared – so they can be extended (or put aside) or will inspire innovation. At this stage, Loom is optimised for desktop, and works well on the latest versions of Safari, Chrome and Firefox for both Mac and PC.
On a side note, thanks also for the feedback on our comments facility. I have updated this to allow self editing for up to 10 minutes after you post.