DX Lab Fellowship #2
The DX Lab is excited to announce the DX Lab fellowship for the second time. This digital fellowship has been specifically set up to support the creative and innovative use of the Library’s collection data. It promotes innovation, partnerships, experimentation and creativity using the Library’s data via new interfaces and experiences. This is a unique opportunity for researchers in the digital humanities particularly within the Gallery, Library, Museum and Archive sector (GLAM). The fellowship is being offered at $30,000 to enable research and digital innovation.
‘The opportunity to offer the DX Lab Fellowship again this year is exciting. As a great Library it is important we continue to explore new ways to deliver access to the State Library’s vast collections and this Fellowship provides for such exploration. We have already had a rewarding collaboration from our first DX Lab Fellowship. Following that success, we are excited to see what the next digital creatives will do with this incredible opportunity.’ Lucy Milne, Acting State Librarian and Chief Executive.
Our inaugural DX Lab Fellowship, awarded to Elisa Lee and Adam Hinshaw, resulted in Unstacked, a time-based visualisation of the materials people are accessing from the Library’s collection.
‘The DX Lab Fellowship was a unique opportunity to engage with experts and the library’s extraordinary content and bring to life our concept in a collaborative, inspiring and supportive environment. The DX Lab is pushing boundaries in the field of digital humanities and it was exciting and a privilege to be part of that.’ Elisa Lee, Visual Communicator and Interaction Designer.
We are looking for a developer/creative to come and spend time in the DX Lab working with our data and collection to build an innovative digital experience. If you are interested in applying for this fellowship you will need to submit your application here by the 20th August. We are interested in highly creative and experimental ideas that utilise the Library’s collection data to deliver an experience in a new, innovative and playful way.
The DX Lab Fellowship is supported by the State Library of NSW Foundation through a generous gift by Dr Charles Barnes.
The applications will be judged by:
Richard Neville, Mitchell Librarian and Director of Education and Scholarship
Paula Bray, DX Lab Leader
Kate Curr, Manager Digital Strategy and Innovation.
Elisa Lee, DX Lab Inaugural Fellow, Visual Communicator and Interaction Designer
James Boyce, Creative Director, Grumpy Sailor Creative
The successful applicant will be working in the DX Lab and will have the assistance of the Lab team that includes, two developers and the Lab Leader and a range of staff across the Library that can assist with research and curatorial matters.
Q: Will I have to build my idea into an online experience?
A: Yes, we want an interface to go live, but also think about how it might be experienced on-site somewhere.
Q: Will I be provided with office facilities and a computer?
A: Yes, you will have a desk and computer supplied but we are assuming you would probably want to bring your own equipment.
Q: Will the Lab developers help me with my project?
A: Yes, they are here to assist but you are expected to build and deliver your project.
Q: Can I add some other data sets into my project as well as the State Library’s data?
A: Yes, if you feel it is providing additional meaning to your outcome and it is openly sourced.
Q: Do I have to be associated with a University?
A: No, you don’t necessarily have to be associated with a University.
Q: When can I take up the fellowship?
A: We need you to undertake the fellowship between the months of October 2017 and June 2018 with a minimum expected time in the lab of 8 weeks, full time equivalent.
Q: Are there any age restrictions?
A: Yes, you need to be over 18 to apply for our fellowship. We hope to do something for under 18s in the future.
Q: Can I apply if I live overseas?
A: Yes, but you are responsible for all necessary travel arrangements and accommodation.
Q: What other commitments will I have?
A: There will be a couple of speaking opportunities held at the Library that we will need you to do.
Application requirements
Applicants will need to fill in the online submission form.
Applications close on the 20th August at 11.00pm AEST.
Shortlisted applicants will be contacted by email shortly after the closing date and will need to be available for an interview in the first week of October at the Library or via online.
Successful applicants will need to be able to build their project and it will go live on the DX Lab website. We will be responsible for hosting the project and require that the code be available in the State Library account on Github. The State Library of NSW will license the final product under a Creative Commons License.
Enquiry details:
e: dxlab@sl.nsw.gov.au